♥ > Aug. 18, 2008

x new
x past
x her
x i like
x other
x d*land

Aug. 18, 2008
Lucy and Peter

"Guess what"


"I got this star for you"

"A star?"

"I'm going to name it after you"

"My name?"


"No..name it Lucy."


"Yeah..so she can twinkle in the sky with her diamonds with that boy...the one who never ages."

She's a romantic, she is, and she understands, but she's a dreamer, and see, you can tell when you're sketching her profile whilst she looks out the 6th floor window, eyes smiling, soul blooming.

(And he smiles, he understands, but he's afraid, just a little bit, that one of these days when she takes flight, she's not going to ever turn back.)

xx 3:08 p.m.

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